From scholarships to program expansion to facility maintenance and improvements, our ministry fund provides resources to be allocated to emerging needs.

Why Give to Forest Home?
Camper fees only cover the costs of campers attending camp, so your gifts allow us to bring thousands of children, youth, and adults with families to camp who cannot afford to pay. Every year many come to know the Lord through this outreach. Your gifts also allow us to improve and expand the facilities to accommodate these campers.
Jesse Ruiz is a police officer in Watts who brings kids every summer who are fully funded thanks to ministry partners like you.
Forest Home Ministry Is Growing
We have seen an exponential growth in our youth ministry of Junior High and High School students and your gifts allowed us to build a new 1,000 person outdoor youth amphitheater in 2021. We are now in process of developing housing to accommodate all those campers in one camp center including dining, recreation and indoor meeting spaces that will give us the opportunity to share the Gospel with the many 1,000’s coming in the near future.

Impact Of Camp
God has chosen to work in a powerful way at Forest Home and has impacted the lives of millions of people over the 85+ years of ministry. People like Billy Graham, Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ/CRU founder/Jesus Film/Athletes in Action), Pastors who received their call at camp, people who made decisions for Christ, thousands have had life changing experiences at Forest Home, and their lives have impacted the lives of millions more.
Statistics show that ~90% of all decisions for Christ are made by age 18 and many happen when attending camp, away from the distractions of the world.
Ministry Fund
Our ministry fund covers the costs of scholarships and facility improvements. Camp fees cannot cover all the upgrades needed for aging facilities to ensure we have the tools needed to share the Gospel.
Gift and Estate Planning
For more information click here.
Return on Investment
We want to challenge you with this, is there a more powerful place to invest in this lifetime than into a Christian camp? God works powerfully through Christian camp to transform lives.
Pray about partnering with us
- We encourage you to pray about getting involved by investing through prayer, through volunteer service and financial support.
- The needs are great and we are seeing a great harvest happening now. We invite you to join us as we work to help campers encounter Jesus, experience transformation and to engage the world..