Assurance of Things Hoped For

Hello! This month, we are kicking off our annual Men’s Retreat March 31 – April 2. Our Speaker is Jeff Kemp a former NFL Quarterback who played in the league for 11 seasons with the Los Angeles Rams, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks and Philadelphia Eagles. Jeff, who is an Ivy League graduate and holds a MBA from Pepperdine University, is from a widely-respected political family that includes his father Jack Kemp, a former NFL quarterback and Vice-Presidential candidate. Our theme this year focuses on men of Legendary Faith.

I am reminded by men in my own life who have exemplified faith and what it means to wholeheartedly trust and follow Jesus. My father showed me that a man who trusts in the Lord is open and willing to receive honest feedback. My fiancé surrounds himself with other men who encourage and spur each other on in their walk with Jesus. That is what our Men’s Retreat is all about this year, inspiring Men to trust Jesus and providing an opportunity to assemble together and encourage one another in a beautiful location.

Hebrews 11 records legendary men of faith that God used for His glory. From Abraham who had faith to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice, to David who was called a man after God’s own heart. We want to encourage you men (or wives, sign up your husbands and sons) to join this great event. Our hope is that through this Men’s Retreat, men of all ages will discover the ways in which God is calling them to step out into a deeper level of faith than they ever imagined.

Please click the click the button below for more information about this legendary event.